Frequently Asked Questions


What does the registration include? 


The registration includes admittance to all scheduled workshops, writing sessions, and activities, including the welcome reception, studio tour, dinner cruise and awards ceremony. The registration fee also includes breakfast and lunch on Friday; breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday; plus a continental breakfast on Sunday. 


Does the registration include hotel accommodations? 


The registration fee does NOT include accommodations. You can book at a discounted rate with the provided link. 


Are participants required to stay at the host hotel? 


You are not required to stay at the host hotel, but it is highly recommended.


Is full payment required upfront? 


Full payment is not required upfront. There is a payment plan available. However, the full fee must be paid 30 days prior to the start date of the retreat to participate. 


What is your refund policy?


Sounds Like Joy Writers’ Retreat rates are in USD per person. After successful payment of the single payment, or installment option, you will receive a confirmation email. 

Payments are accepted in USD through the website. 

For bookings made through the installment option, final payment must be settled in full within 30 days of the Retreat start date. Failure to pay in full will result in a forfeiture of Retreat reservation and funds paid may be subject to the Fee Schedule outlined below. 

If the retreat installment balance payment is not settled 30 days in advance, the held space will be released (cancelled) and the deposit will be held in credit and can be applied to another date in full as per our cancellation policy below or to online courses. Also, the rate lock guarantee will be forfeited, and the deposit amount will be applied to the current published rates.

What if I need to cancel?

If you cancel your retreat reservation, Sounds Like Joy Productions does not offer refunds for any reason. A portion of your payment, or deposit payment, may be used as credit for another Sounds Like Joy retreat at a future date or toward online courses. The total dollar amount of the credit will be applied to current rates at the time of rebooking. 

We will gladly transfer your credit to the name another person upon your arrangement of that transfer in writing.

Depending on when you cancel, cancellation penalties may apply based on the following schedule:

  • If you cancel more than 90 days before your Sounds Like Joy retreat package start date, 100% of your payment may be applied to another Retreat.
  • If you cancel 60 – 89 days before your Sounds Like Joy retreat package start date, 75% of your payment may be applied to another Retreat. You will forfeit 25% of the price of your retreat.
  • If you cancel 15 – 59 days before your Sounds Like Joy retreat package start date, 40% of your payment may be applied to another Retreat. You will forfeit 60% of the price of your retreat.
  • If you cancel 14 days or less before your Sounds Like Joy retreat start date, you will forfeit your entire payment. 

Please note any credit amount from a cancellation will be applied to the retreat’s current rate at time of rebooking.

Exceptions to our cancellation policy cannot be made for any reason. We do not offer credit for guests arriving late or leaving early on your booked Sounds Like Joy Writers’ Retreat. You must submit your signed Participant Agreement form within one week of booking or 90 days before the retreat start date, whichever comes first. Guests who fail to do so may be subject to an automatic cancellation and the above policy will apply.

While Sounds Like Joy Productions or its subsidiaries has never canceled a retreat to date, if we (Sounds Like Joy Productions) must cancel a booked retreat date for any reason, you may transfer your full retreat payment to a future retreat date, or you may request a full refund of your payment to us constituting a full settlement. Note: Lodging fees are NOT included in any Sounds Like Joy Writers’ Retreat. Cancellations of lodging arrangements must be handled separately through booking organization.

Sounds Like Joy Productions is not responsible for your expenses incurred in preparation for any canceled retreat, such as airline tickets, loss of work, and/or other costs associated with preparing for your trip.


What should I wear?


Business casual dress is highly suggested. Wear comfortable walking shoes for the studio tour. Also, you may choose to wear evening attire for the dinner cruise, though it is not required.  

Do I need a completed script to attend?


You do not need a completed script, screenplay, or book to attend.

Are there any age restrictions?


The Sounds Like Joy Writers’ Retreat welcomes writers of all ages. Anyone younger than 16 years old must accompanied by an adult chaperone.